What We Fish For
We get all five species of salmon back to our waters, here in Washington and I chase them all. From the biggest Kings (Chinook), to the acrobatic Silvers (Coho), hard fighting Chum (Dog/Keta), abundant Pink (Humpy), to the delicious Sockeye (Red).
We guide Steelhead on the Skykomish, Skagit, Sauk and other Puget Sound rivers (many near Seattle), the Hoh, Bogachiel, Sol Duc, Calawah, Satsop, Wynoochee and other Olympic Peninsula rivers and the Methow and Wenatchee rivers in eastern Washington. With summer and winter strains they are available, to some degree, throughout much of the year.
Sea Run Cutthroats
A uniquely Northwest experience and one of my favorite fisheries! These fish and the waters they swim in are flat- out awesome and this is one of the best places in the world to target them.
Coastal Cutthroats, Westslope Cutthroats, Rainbows, Cutt-Bows, the occasional Brook Trout and in a few special locations, Lahontan Cutthroats, Golden Trout, Tiger Trout and a handful of Browns.
Bass? Seattle? On a fly? Really? Definitely!!! We not only have them, but have a fishery, with true trophy Smallmouth potential, very close to and sometimes within Seattle city limits.
Dolly Varden – Bull Trout
Another uniquely Northwest fish. We are one of the few places in the Lower 48 where these fish can be targeted. These anadromous (sea-going) and resident char are landed incidentally in some fisheries and targeted in others.
Intrepid Anglers
Chris Senyohl
Licensed and Insured Washington State Fishing Guide
P.O. Box 174
Fall City, WA. 98024